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Posted by Richard Sanger

Are you trying to figure out what to do with old Christmas cards? Join the club! 

Each holiday season, it can be quite a challenge deciding which cards to keep and which one’s to get rid of. Do you like the design? Was the sentiment particularly meaningful? Was it from a person who you hold close to your heart? You might struggle quite a bit with these questions when deciding how long to hold onto a Christmas card. 

To help you out, we got our team together and came up with a bunch of ways to keep your cards out of the recycling bin and creatively use your holiday cards. We'll show you how to store and display your Christmas cards. With a little thoughtfulness and inspiration, you can keep your Christmas cards for years to come.


Store Greeting Cards In A Box

Christmas cards stored in a box

How do you store old and new Christmas cards? This is probably the easiest and most common way of saving your treasured cards. You can use a shoe box or plastic storage container readily available at home. Or if you’d like a more organized manner consider a file organizer if you’d like to save your cards by design, holiday, or sender.  


Display Greeting Cards With A Frame

Framed Christmas Cards  and a Christmas Tree

Another option is to create a display of Christmas card decor! Just put your favorite designs in a frame. Frames are an attractive way to display cards on a table, mantle, or as wall art. You can find frames for your Quilling Cards here


A Greeting Card Keepsake Book

You can create a lovely coffee table book with a photo album! You can easily find one at your local Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Walmart, or Target. The hard part will be deciding whether you want to display the card design or its sentiment. Luckily, if you are gifted a Quilling Card, you can display both the artwork and the message! 


Christmas Card Decorations

Christmas cards make wonderful holiday decorations. With a hole puncher and some holiday-colored string, you can hang your favorite cards throughout the house!


Display Holiday Cards Around the Door

Christmas Cards Displayed Around A Door

This is a wonderful idea! As you walk into the room, you get to admire the beautiful designs your loved ones shared. How to hang Christmas cards on a door? Go to Target and pick up some removable adhesives. This will help to keep your cards or the door from getting damaged.


Hang Christmas Cards on a French Memo Board

Christmas cards displayed on a French memo board

We got this idea from our friend Trudy, a member of the Quilling Card family. Last year, she shared with us a photo of her her favorite designs displayed on a French memo board. We love it so much we want to share it with you!


Ornaments Made from Old Christmas Cards

Quilled Nutcracker Ornament

Keep that string and hole puncher out to make your Christmas cards into ornaments! Grab some good scissors and cut out your favorite part of the design. You can even use laminating sheets to keep them pristine for years to come!


Saving Greeting Card Sentiments

Happy Holidays Christmas Card

Lastly, you might have some cards that have a very special sentiment written inside. But you'd also like to make creative use of the artwork. In this case, take a picture of the written message with your camera or phone. In your phone, you can save the sentiments to a special folder. If you'd like, you can even create a holiday message slideshow!

As you can see, there are many ways to repurpose your old Christmas cards. Whether it's just keeping them is a box or displayed around your house, you can relive the joy and happiness the cards bring to you every holiday season! Where do you stand on keeping Christmas cards? Do you save them all or do you throw them out at the end of the holiday season? Or, do you have some other ideas you'd like to share? 
