Christmas in July!

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Posted by Eugene Aronsky

Let's be honest, the Coronavirus, it’s scary... the unknown is what truly makes people nervous. Look left and you’re being told not to panic, look right and the apocalypse is coming. Turn on the news and all your local grocery stores are out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer... bulk buying toilet paper really makes no sense, where are you going to store it all anyway? 

Coronavirus Best Wishes

With all the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, practicing social distancing and self quarantining seems likely in the very near future. What we do know for sure is that we will all be spending more time with people within our households, especially us on the East Coast as schools, businesses and activities are being closed and postponed or canceled.  

We at Quilling Card would like to encourage you to use this time to tighten your bonds with loved ones and to continue to build and leverage a strong support network. You should take the time to reach out with a phone call to your great aunt just to check-in!  Do a puzzle with your 9-year-old while jamming out to the latest pop song. Send a card to your parents in Florida! While your physical presence may be missed, there are still opportunities to spread the love! It’s important now more than ever to make it a priority to stay in touch and support those who might be more alone or worried than you are.  

Quilling Card Team

We at Quilling Card make it our mission to provide you with the best customer service every day. Our offices remain open and we will be fulfilling orders as long as mail carriers and couriers are still operating.  We will continue to respond to service questions with great priority and as promptly as possible. We will be sure to post updates on our website and through email if we anticipate any delays in our operations. We are very fortunate that a majority of our staff live in close proximity to the office and we have combined efforts to support one another.   We want our loyal customers to know that as health concerns grow, we’re also doing everything we can to keep our employees safe. We have rescheduled non-essential planned travel and events and will be encouraging our employees to work remotely when necessary. We’ll continue to actively monitor the situation and will inform you if anything changes. Please be sure to follow us on Facebook for the latest Quilling Card updates.

Most importantly, from all of us at Quilling Card, we wish you and your family good health during this unprecedented time.
